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The Power of Storytelling: How to win clients, shorten sales cycles, convince investors and elevate your personal brand.


Where and when

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, PRAG

In case you want to take part, you need to register below and have a valid ticket for Diversity Night (or SUN X Ticket).

Whether you are a startup founder, a successor to a company, a self-employed person or a young professional, the image you project to the public is crucial to your success. This is because our appearance and our actions have a direct influence on the brand we represent - even if we remain inactive. It is therefore even more important not to leave our own image to chance, but to play an active role in shaping it in order to build a long-term image that has a high recognition value.

But how do we become brands? What makes us unique and unmistakable? A strategically well-structured, positioned, and managed personal brand is indispensable on the way to the top. It is the uniqueness that makes it distinguishable and interesting - a guarantee for more opportunities, more recognition value, more contacts, and, of course, more sales. With the tried-and-tested 4k concept - clear, credible, consistent, and continuous - future makers can light their own fires and win clients as well as investors by just being authentic.