Our purpose is empowering people. We do this by developing and deploying Leadership Training, in Virtual Reality, powered by ethical AI
We envision a world of happy, healthy and successful people. By 2033 we will be able to offer one billion people access to affordable, effective and efficient Personal and Leadership Development: in Virtual Reality, in the comfort of their own home or office.
We focus on what matters at global scale, we're not "just another VR company".
We, humanity, are in a mess: climate change, social inequality, pandemic black swans and more.
We’d like to get out of the mess. We have defined aspirational goals, like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, that say that it would be great to get out of the mess.
Few to none work on enabling people to reach such goals: personal development, consciousness development, leadership development - how can we grow to be the people who CAN solve these challenges? And how do we do it fast - as time is of the essence.
We need a global consciousness shift to get out of the mess - and we firmly believe that technology will be able to help us there. Especially VR and ethical AI. That's why we deploy these technologies to help building a bright future for all of us.
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Startupnight 2023
Mixed Reality (XR)
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office