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TransChain is developing a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) solution to facilitate the adoption and use of technology for businesses. We think that the blockchain technology is a coherent and realistic answer to many traceability issues, and we want to prove this to the supply chain actors during this event. Our blockchain will allow to track any goods along the supply chain ecosystem. The purpose of the blockchain in the traceability is to allow the record of the product history and its components and thus locate it any time on the supply or distribution chain. We understand the complexity of a traceability management system linked to a large number of suppliers and even more raw materials, components and returnable/re-usable packaging. The union of a supply chain expert, developers, and a researcher, provide us a unique point of view of the supply chain tracking issues. We are all invested to develop a business dedicated solution, simple and effective, able to be adopted by the sector.

Part of
Startupnight 2018