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Open as App GmbH

Open as App is a Cloud platform for automated app creation and sharing. Turn the data you work with every day automatically into smart, fully functional apps. Formulas, calculations, logic are simply taken over. 
All you have to do is select your data from Excel, Google Sheets, SQL, Dynamics or other databases, determine the structure / design and publish your app. 
Your apps are immediately available for all popular platforms (iOS, Android, Windows 10, Web, Bot) with the Open as App Client and can be easily and securely shared with colleagues or customers. Your IT team has full control. 
Special about Open as App: Only Open as App can automatically retain the logic (calculations / formulas) of data. Your app is therefore interactive , instantly available (online/offline) and native - without programming. Even after sharing desktop file or database and app remain connected and are therefore always up to date.

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Startupnight 2018