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DONGXii is a cross-border E-commerce App that allows selected brands to sell directly to Chines consumers:

Life in China’s big cities is modern, yet stressful. A new generation of hard working Chinese is growing out of buying the big brands to a more refined form of connoisseurship. Chinese consumers are shopping mainly on their smartphones and get inspired by social media streams.

Existing e-commerce platforms are large online malls with an overwhelming amount of products, which makes shopping even more exhausting. There is room for a provider that makes shopping more personal and an enjoyable, rewarding experience.

That’s the place for DONGXii, an extraordinary shopping experience for Chinese looking to buy beauty and health care products cross-border. For European brands in this sector, we are the fastest and most cost-effective way of testing the Chinese market and selling directly to this new consumer group. Our turnkey solution

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Startupnight 2018