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SONORRARI Sound Sensation

SONORRARI Sound Sensation technology enables you to physically feel sound with your body and hands and enables quick relaxation and an intense and emotional sound experience.

SONORRARI Sound Sensation is offering an enhanced experience because sound and music have a much stronger effect, when perceived through the ears and through the body. SONORRARI Sound Sensation products are the perfect tool to use less medication and have an effect on the pain relief and stress relief - this all backed by scientific studies. For people with hearing disabilities, SONORRARI Sound Sensation is a great chance to experience sounds.

The SONORRARI Sound Sensation is a practical, affordable and effective tool to enable such a 2 dimensional experience of sound. Additionally a Patent has been submitted to EPO and is expected to give comprehensive protection to the technology and prevent competitors from launching similar products. Also a first mover advantage exists, which puts SONORRARI Sound Sensation ahead of competitors.