Tool manufactory based on symbiosis between quality management, software development and marketing. We develop goal-oriented tools for boundless process Management.
What is the problem you are solving?
Consultants plan processes to enable a company’s certification and improve their quality. The results are often not transferred to business software and are therefore barely applied in daily work. Moreover, in regular audits it is difficult to proof that all processes are exercised as planned.
Prevailing business software does normally not offer efficient ways to make changes or to add new processes and suffers from a lack of ISO-compatibility. Digitizing 100 % of all processes in an effective and ISO-compatible way is hardly attainable.
BOOMLINE generally addresses common challenges in business life:
- Loss of control and time
- Friction loss
- Loss of motivation
- Lack of transparency
- Stagnation
- Random process flows
- Unnecessary expenses
What is unique about your solution?
BOOMLINE broadly automises the know-how of software-developers and consultants for quality managament, process optimisation and ISO standards. The tool increases the efficiency of developers and consultants to set up and maintain process optimisation and software. It also enables customers to construct and optimise processes and software on their own - reaching a new level of flexibility (change and add processes in minutes), the possibility to use the company’s process know-how efficiently and facilitate regular audits.
More features:
- Intelligent dockets
- Unlimited distribution of rights
- Limitless extensions possible
- Easy-to-use process editor