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The Talent Pool of Berlin – and how you get access to it!


Where and when

8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, PRAG

More than 20 years ago the former governing mayor of Berlin described his city briefly as “poor but sexy”. This quote every time get refreshed once someone is complaining about Berlin. But this also occurs to the labour market? Is it true, to have well skilled workers on your payroll for 15% less costs? And what other differences are there compared to other (German) metropolises? 

Let´s dive into some facts and figures about the Berlin talent pool. We will talk about staffing times, available candidates, salary differences as well as visibility as an employer and talent attraction. Finally, you will get some tips and advice from Berlin Partner, the economic development agency of Berlin. Spoiler: Berlin is (still) the place to be!